What Happens After Exosome Therapy?

When your body gets older, you may sense that you are no longer the person you were in your younger years. As you age, your body’s ability to produce stem cells & exosomes, essential to helping your body recover from disease and injury, becomes less efficient. A board-certified specialist and stem cell doctor may be able to assist you in turning back the hands of time with the use of a cutting-edge new procedure known as exosome therapy.  At our med spa, we are proud to offer advanced exosome therapy treatments performed by highly trained and experienced board-certified specialists. If you’re interested in exploring the rejuvenating benefits of exosome therapy, schedule a consultation today and discover how this innovative procedure can help you turn back the clock on aging. Some of you will ask, “what is exosome therapy?” if you want to know, this article will answer it and discuss how does exosome therapy work and some essential information you need.

What Are Exosomes?

Exosomes are tiny sacs that contain cells and range in size from 30 to 150 nanometers across. Exosomes are responsible for disseminating and exchanging information between cells in the body.

The information that is passed along by exosomes has the potential to change the functionality of the cells that are on the receiving end of it. When one cell sends instructions to another cell by email or text, the transfer of info by exosomes can be compared to that.

The messages that your exosomes give to your cells can instruct them to heal your body in various ways, including increasing collagen production and accelerating recovery from disease or injury.

What Is Exosome Therapy?

The aging process is associated with a decrease in the rate at which cells are replaced, a significant contributor to the loss of vitality that comes with age. The practice of exosome therapy encompasses regenerative medicine

After exosome therapy, your body’s natural exosomes will send your cells rejuvenating and restorative information. Your cells will then send a message to your body, asking it to heal itself through its regeneration process.

elderly people exercising after exosome therapy

How Does Exosome Therapy Work?

Your therapy will involve an exome infusion, which will be administered by a medical professional. Your exomes or the exomes of a donor can be used.

After the infusion, your body will start a self-healing process in which it will respond to the messages it has received as a result of the infusion with new exomes. Following treatment, you will experience your injuries healing more quickly, degenerative conditions decreasing their progression, and making it easier to remain physically active.

During the exosome therapy, your physician will keep an eye on how well you are responding to the treatment and will be available to answer any questions. It will be performed with your doctor’s full cooperation and assistance so that you can achieve the greatest possible results.


It is no longer necessary to put up with the uncomfortable and stressful side effects that aging can bring to your body because exosome therapy is now available. 

You will have less discomfort after undergoing exosome therapy, and you will reclaim the vitality and strength that you had in your younger years.

Finally, you know what exosome therapy is and how does it work if you want to consider this treatment.
