IV Infusion and Drips

Our body’s ability to melt and/or digest fat slows down as we age. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to combat this issue. The three most common treatments are: Kybella, B12, and lipotropic shots.

Fat Loss - FAQ

Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that gives contours and improves facial experience for submental fullness (also known as the “double chin”) by destroying the fat cells permanently. This fullness usually occurs due to aging, genetics, and/or weight gain. it is a common problem that affects all genders.

This booster is the good ‘ol pure Vitamin B12 shot  that is traditionally  popular to athletes, vegans, and to just about anyone who wants to have an increased energy and boost their metabolism. What we use here at Saint Aesthetix is Methylcobalamin, which is known to be the best form of Vitamin B12 that helps regenerate nerves and treat peripheral neuropathies due to its higher retention rate in the body. 

Energy Booster and Fat Burner consists of: (1) Inositol, (2) Choline, (3) Cyanocobalamin, and (4) Pyridoxine. This booster will kickstart your metabolism and energy.

Only your provider can determine if any of these fat loss treatment is the right treatment for you. Many people who receive these treatments are satisfied with their results. All of these are appropriate treatments for anyone over the age of 18.

During your consultation, your practitioner will examine your face to determine and discuss your concerns and goals.

In a nutshell, Kybella is done after application of ice packs for comfort and marking your submental area for injection points. Then, small mounts of Kybella will be injected. You may receive up to 6 treatment sessions, spaced at least 1 month apart. Many patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 Kybella treatments. 

B12 and Energy Booster and Fat Burner shots are a quick intramuscular injections, usually on the deltoid muscle.

Significantly, there is no downtime for B12 and Energy Booster and Fat Burner shots. You can resume your usual activities after getting these. Results vary but most of the time, clients feel energized when they get a dose of these shots. 

Because Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment, it also requires no downtime and you can return to your normal routine immediately after your appointment. However, it is very common to experience some swelling and bruising under the chin for the first few days after your appointment. 

Although individual results vary, most people begin to notice results developing over the following 4 weeks to 3 months.

B12 and Energy  Booster and Fat Burner shots require maintenance. Clients usually get these shots weekly or bi-weekly for consistent results. 

Kybella permanently destroys fat cells, thereby reducing volume under the chin and producing a more defined jawline. Because the body removes the dead fat cells gradually over time, it will take about four weeks to begin seeing results, with maximum results typically visible three months after treatment.