RF Microneedling

RF Microneedling

Harness the power of modern beauty tech to refresh your skin and bid farewell to fine lines, scars, and more. RF Microneedling with Intracel Pro opens the door to an effortlessly youthful, radiant look. Here at Saint Aesthetix, we want to bring back your skin’s youthful glow with this innovative treatment. You don’t have to be concerned about painful operations or waiting a long time to recover. Intracel Pro makes skin transformation hassle-free, restoring your confidence in just a few sessions. Say hi to smoother, firmer skin and embrace a fresher, livelier you.

At Saint Aesthetix, we offer RF Microneedling using the advanced Intracel Pro device. RF Microneedling is a beauty treatment that doesn’t involve surgery. It’s made to improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Intracel Pro combines the benefits of two proven techniques: microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) therapy.

The Intracel Pro device uses tiny needles to make small, controlled injuries in your skin while delivering radiofrequency energy deep into the skin. This dual-action approach boosts collagen production in your skin, which is crucial for keeping it firm and youthful. It effectively addresses concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores, and skin laxity.

If surgery isn’t your thing, but you want to revitalize your skin, then RF Microneedling is a great choice. People who are best suited for this are those who worry about things like small lines on the face, creases, marks from acne, or loose skin.

However, the procedure may not be suitable for those with certain skin conditions or active infections. Your practitioner at Saint Aesthetix will evaluate your individual needs during a consultation to determine if RF Microneedling with Intracel Pro is the right choice for you.

During the RF Microneedling procedure, we’ll use numbing cream so you’ll experience minimal discomfort. The Intracel Pro device is precisely adjusted to go just the right depth into the skin. This process creates tiny micro-injuries while at the same time sending RF energy beneath your skin. You can expect the treatment to take approximately 30 to 60 minutes, and the time might differ depending on the area of your body we’re working on.

Clients typically find the procedure quite manageable, and we apply numbing cream to lessen any potential discomfort. There might be a slight warmth or a gentle pressure that might be noticed, but it’s usually not thought of as painful. Our goal at Saint Aesthetix is to ensure your comfort throughout the entire process. However, if you encounter any discomfort, kindly let our staff know, and we’ll explore ways to ease the process for you.

RF Microneedling with Intracel Pro typically involves minimal downtime. Immediately after the treatment, you may experience some redness and swelling, which can last a few days to a week. However, this downtime is significantly shorter compared to more invasive procedures.

As for results, you can expect to see initial improvements in your skin’s texture and tone within a few weeks. Collagen production continues over several months, so your skin will continue to improve over time. The specific timeline for visible results can vary from person to person, but many clients notice a more youthful and refreshed appearance within a few months.

The results of RF Microneedling with Intracel Pro can be long-lasting. By enabling collagen production, the procedure helps your skin maintain its youthful qualities. However, the longevity of your results can depend on factors such as your individual aging process and skincare routine. Many clients find that periodic maintenance sessions can help prolong the benefits of this treatment.

After your RF Microneedling treatment with Intracel Pro, it’s important to follow some post-care guidelines for the best results. Your practitioner at Saint Aesthetix will provide you with specific instructions tailored to your needs. In general, it’s advisable to:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Maintain a proper skincare regimen to nourish and protect your skin.
  • Hydrate yourself and live healthily to look after your skin’s overall health.
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