Understanding Dysport: A Comprehensive Overview

Dermatologist Injecting Dysport on Patient

Are you noticing more wrinkles or lines on your face than you used to? Considering neuromodulator injections as a possible solution? Then, Dysport could be the answer you’ve been searching for! But what is Dysport exactly? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore Dysport, discussing its origins, science, administration, and potential side effects.

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a specific type of neuromodulator injection that’s been making waves in aesthetics for its effectiveness in smoothing out moderate to severe wrinkles, particularly on the face. 

For adults who want a natural look, Dysport is known to have a natural-looking, fast-acting, long-lasting prescription injection proven to help smooth moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows—without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face.

Hailed as a non-surgical facelift, Dysport is derived from the same neurotoxin as Botox, yet it has unique properties and uses. 

Unlike invasive surgery, these injections target problem areas and provide noticeable results. This innovative treatment offers a quick, relatively painless way to refresh your look without the downtime or risks associated with more invasive procedures.

The Science Behind Dysport

Now, let’s dive into the science of Dysport. How does it work? The active ingredient in Dysport, abobotulinumtoxinA, blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing a temporary reduction in muscle activity. 

The resulting relaxation helps to smooth wrinkles and lines on the face, offering a rejuvenated and fresher look.

How is Dysport Administered?

Administering Dysport to Patient

During a Dysport treatment, a healthcare professional injects the product into specific muscles under your skin where wrinkles are prominent. 

Usually, these neuromodulator injections are given in five places across your forehead, targeting the areas that contribute most to the formation of wrinkles.

It is important to note that Dysport dosing is not the same as the dose of any other botulinum toxin product and cannot be compared to the dose of any other product you may have used.

What to Expect During a Dysport Treatment

A typical Dysport session is quick and efficient, often lasting less than 15 minutes. The sensation during the procedure is similar to a slight pinch or sting, but many patients find it tolerable.

What to Expect After a Dysport Session

The recovery time after a Dysport session is minimal. Some patients return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. However, typical side effects like swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site may occur but usually subside within a few days. The results of Dysport can start showing within 2-3 days and may last up to 5  months depending on your metabolism.

Effectiveness and Results of Dysport

Dysport Result

Dysport has been clinically proven effective in smoothing wrinkles and providing a youthful appearance. 

Most participants in clinical studies reported noticeable improvements in their wrinkles within 2-3 days of receiving the neuromodulator injections, with the results lasting up to four months.

Safety and Potential Side Effects of Dysport

While generally safe, Dysport, like any treatment, carries potential side effects. These can include headaches, allergic reactions, and, in rare cases, muscle weakness. Therefore, discussing your medical history and potential risks with your healthcare provider before beginning Dysport treatment is critical.


Understanding Dysport can be your first step toward achieving a younger and fresher look. It’s a trusted and reliable choice for those looking to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and produce “softer” look and it usually is faster-acting and longer-lasting compared to other popular brands such as Botox, Xeomin, Jeaveau, and Daxxify.

However, individual results may vary, and consulting with a professional is essential before deciding on any treatment.

If you’re considering neuromodulator injections like Dysport and looking for a reliable provider, Saint Aesthetix is here for you. 

We’re ready to answer your questions and guide you on your journey toward a more youthful appearance. Call us today to schedule your consultation!
