Our goal at Glow Aesthetix, is to help you get your best GLOW UP!

neuromodulator toxins
Neuromodulator Toxins Menu
Areas Being Treated
- Forehead
- Glabella
- Crow’s feet
- Eyebags
- Bunny lines
- Lips (lip flip)
- Neck bands
- Underarms
- Palms
- Upper lip elevator muscle (for Gummy smile correction)
- Jaws / Masseters (for slimmer face or that V line look)
- Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO)
Neuromodulator Toxin - FAQ
Derived from the botulinum toxin, Botox and Dysport, are the one one of, if not the most medical spa treatment. They are commonly used to treat and or prevent wrinkles at the crow’s feet, frown lines, neck wrinkles, forehead creases, and smile lines.
The effects of Neuromodulator toxins (Botox and Dysport) usually last between three and six months. When the wrinkles and/or medical symptoms of TMJ, hyperhidrosis and migraine begin to slowly return, then please make another appointment to return to the clinic.
Right after the botox treatment, we advise to just relax for The rest of the day, avoid touching your face, avoid agents that has blood – thinning properties such as alcohol and medications like aspirin and Motrin. Lastly, avoid strenuous activities

Fillers Menu
Dermal Fillers - FAQ
During your consultation, your practitioner will examine your face to determine and discuss your concerns and goals. After applying the numbing cream, small amounts of filler will then be injected into the areas of concern. Our dermal fillers contain the formulated local anaesthetic lidocaine to ensure the process is as comfortable as possible. (Ice packs, stress balls and vibrating beauty bar will also be offered 🙂

IV Infusions and Drips
IV Infusion and Drips
IV Infusion Menu
IV Therapy - FAQ
Prior to IV infusion and IV push session, our registered nurse will insert a needle to introduce a flexible plastic tube (catheter). The needle will then be withdrawn leaving the catheter into your vein to deliver the medically approved IV blend to your system. You’ll then get to relax for around 30 – 45 minutes while the treatment occurs.
IV therapy is not painful. You may feel some coolness in your arm during treatment and that is the solution that is being infused and it is mild and temporary. You may also notice a slight mineral taste in your mouth (most patients report this when they receive Normal Saline which is the main component of the IV Therapy and IV Push), but this will go away very quickly.

Skin care
IV Infusion and Drips
Facials - FAQ
IV Infusion and Drips
Microneedling has been utilized in aesthetic treatments for several years and has been proven to be effective and increasingly popular. This non-surgical skin rejuvenation solution improves the look and feel of the skin without disrupting normal activities or requiring extensive healing time.
Microneedling - FAQ
Please do not touch nor apply makeup right after your microneedling treatment. Extra PRP and/or sunscreen are the only ones that can be applied right after this treatment. It us crucial to avoid sun exposure. It is important to keep using sunscreen throughout the healing process and beyond. Aftercare usually includes using a moisturizer, too. Also, avoid taking any over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications as it contradicts the desired inflammatory process that we induced during the microneedling process. We want this inflammatory process to be in high gear as it signals the skin to produce collagen and elastin. it’s the inflammation that signals your skin to up the production of collagen and elastin.
Over the next 24-72 hours, you may use gentle facial cleansers but avoid temperature extremes in the water you use to wash your face. Pat your face dry with a soft and clean towel. Consider using antioxidant serums to stimulate healing and hyaluronic acid serums to keep skin hydrated. Avoid makeup and direct sunlight, as well as strenuous exercise where you’ll likely sweat a lot, and swimming.
Perfecting Peels
IV Infusion and Drips
True to its quest, aesthetix for everyone, here at Saint Aesthetix, the perfecting peels that we offer are suitable for most skin types and ethnicities. There are countless products that claim its safety and efficacy but we have chosen The Perfect Derma™ Peel because of its efficacy and safety without sacrificing clients’ comfort. Unlike other medical grade peels, The Perfect Derma™ Peel is the only peel that includes the powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles. With these peels, expect little downtime, but with it comes greater rewards which is new and vibrant skin! Trust us it will be worth it!
Complimentary consultation is required.
Perfecting Peels Menu
Perfecting Peels - FAQ
The patient may feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation which will subside after 30-60 seconds. Numbing takes place once the first pass of The Perfect Derma Peel solution is applied. A fan or cool breeze may be used for the comfort of the patient.
The Perfect Derma Peel requires no preconditioning of the skin prior to treatment. Only those patients who use Accutane must stop usage (12) months prior to treatment in order to achieve desired results.
Normal activities may be resumed immediately post peel. We recommend avoiding heavy exercise and excessive sweating during the peeling process.
Immediately after the peel has been applied the skin will either appear red, like a sunburn, or darker. On day three, peeling will begin. The Perfect Derma Moisturizer or any high-quality moisturizer will reduce the visibility of peeling by hydrating. By day six or seven the peeling process should be complete.
After one treatment of The Perfect Derma Peel, overall skin tone and complexion will appear smooth, glowing and fresh. Depending on skin conditions, multiple treatments may be necessary for desired results. A series of 2-3 treatments applied once every 4 weeks will allow for optimal results for more severe skin conditions such as Melasma and active acne.
The amount of peeling skin associated with The Perfect Derma Peel is mainly a sloughing of thin sheets of epidermis skin that begins around day three and generally is completed by day six or seven.
The Perfect Derma Peel may be applied initially every four weeks if necessary. Thereafter, we recommend once every 3 – 6 months to maintain improved skin results, as well as to prevent further aging and environmental damage.
IV Infusion and Drips
Microinfusion is an exciting treatment that takes your skin to a whole new level. This procedure is also known as microchanneling as it allows the nurse to mix a tailored blend and deliver this goody to your skin by creating “little channels” or “little infusion” onto your skin to meet your skin goals. This blend may be consisting of hyaluronic acid, botox, vitamins, skin boosters, and/or PRP. This treatment addresses dryness, wrinkles, fine lines, signs of aging or damage. This can also be used on the neck, chest, and décolletage. The microtears inflicted on the skin s NOT painful nor will cause bleeding.
Microinfusion - FAQ

Hair Restoration
IV Infusion and Drips
Hair loss is a common problem for men and women. Numerous studies have shown that by age 50, both men and women experience some type of hair loss. There are multiple reasons for hair loss but the most common reason is alopecia or pattern baldness and hormonal imbalance. There are a lot of hair loss treatments that are available in the industry, some new and trendy and some are not so new and considered to be gold standard. At Saint Aesthetix, we offer 3 hair loss treatments that are all proven to be effective, safe, and well-studied: (1) Hair Restoration with PRP, (2) Hair Resoration with AnteAge MD, and (3) iRestore Laser Hair Growth Device (which is a complimentary add on treatment to both – PRP and AnteAge MD)
Hair Restoration with PRP + iRestore Laser Hair Growth Device - FAQ

Fat Loss
IV Infusion and Drips
Our body’s ability to melt and/or digest fat slows down as we age. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to combat this issue. The three most common treatments are: Kybella, B12, and lipotropic shots.
Fat Loss - FAQ
Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that gives contours and improves facial experience for submental fullness (also known as the “double chin”) by destroying the fat cells permanently. This fullness usually occurs due to aging, genetics, and/or weight gain. it is a common problem that affects all genders.
This booster is the good ‘ol pure Vitamin B12 shot that is traditionally popular to athletes, vegans, and to just about anyone who wants to have an increased energy and boost their metabolism. What we use here at Saint Aesthetix is Methylcobalamin, which is known to be the best form of Vitamin B12 that helps regenerate nerves and treat peripheral neuropathies due to its higher retention rate in the body.
Energy Booster and Fat Burner consists of: (1) Inositol, (2) Choline, (3) Cyanocobalamin, and (4) Pyridoxine. This booster will kickstart your metabolism and energy.
Only your provider can determine if any of these fat loss treatment is the right treatment for you. Many people who receive these treatments are satisfied with their results. All of these are appropriate treatments for anyone over the age of 18.
During your consultation, your practitioner will examine your face to determine and discuss your concerns and goals.
In a nutshell, Kybella is done after application of ice packs for comfort and marking your submental area for injection points. Then, small mounts of Kybella will be injected. You may receive up to 6 treatment sessions, spaced at least 1 month apart. Many patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 Kybella treatments.
B12 and Energy Booster and Fat Burner shots are a quick intramuscular injections, usually on the deltoid muscle.
Significantly, there is no downtime for B12 and Energy Booster and Fat Burner shots. You can resume your usual activities after getting these. Results vary but most of the time, clients feel energized when they get a dose of these shots.
Because Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment, it also requires no downtime and you can return to your normal routine immediately after your appointment. However, it is very common to experience some swelling and bruising under the chin for the first few days after your appointment.
Although individual results vary, most people begin to notice results developing over the following 4 weeks to 3 months.
B12 and Energy Booster and Fat Burner shots require maintenance. Clients usually get these shots weekly or bi-weekly for consistent results.
Kybella permanently destroys fat cells, thereby reducing volume under the chin and producing a more defined jawline. Because the body removes the dead fat cells gradually over time, it will take about four weeks to begin seeing results, with maximum results typically visible three months after treatment.

Skin lightening and brightening treatment
IV Infusion and Drips
Saint Aesthetix is all about positivity and results: healthy, supple, even, and blemish-free skin through our multidimensional, results-oriented skin care treatments.
With the widely published and proven efficacy of glutathione’s lightening and brightening effects, especially given intravenously, alongside the brightening effects of Vitamin C, tranexamic acid, phytic acid, hydroquinone, and azalaic acid administered topically, medical grade peels, and microchanneling procedures, we are sure as heck to lighten and brighten your skin!
Skin Lightening and Brightening Treatments Menu
Skin lightening and brightening treatments - FAQ
Just like with most treatments, lightening and brightening treatment procedures are not a one and done solution. It is important to come in and discuss your desired goals with our nurses so that we can customize your treatment plan. Also, compliance and consistency is key.
As per FDA approval, hydroquinone percentage of 1.5% – 4% is considered safe to use. The Perfect Derma PLUS PLUS BOOSTER has 4% hydroquinone and it is considered to safe.
We’re thinking that by this time, you should know that Saint Aesthetix do NOT and will NEVER discriminate! From our name, branding, to our treatments, we are all for gender inclusivity. So, to answer this question, NO. All genders can get these procedures done.
Results will vary but generally patients will see an improvement in the appearance of pigmented areas. Dark spots will lighten and skin texture and tone will improve. Like mentioned many times, series of treatments are recommended in order to achieve desired results.
Treatments or therapies such as Radiant Cocktail, Skin Aesthetix Skin Booster, Your Light and Bright Skin, and Your Bright Eyes are safe for everyone as they contain naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. However, treatments such as Initmate Area Lightening and The Perfect Derma PLUS PLUS BOOSTER may be contraindicated for clients who are on Accutane, clients who have active cold sores or warts, skin with open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea in the area that is going to be treated.
It is highly important to disclose your overall health and medications you are taking prior to each procedure.

IV Infusion and Drips
Laser Hair Removal is helping to permanently reduce unwanted hair. Moreover, it’s doing it faster, more reliably, more safely, and more comfortably than other standard methods like electrolysis, shaving and tweezing. Laser hair removal has proven to be a giant step forward in hair removal technology.
Excessive hair growth is the result of heredity, hormonal factors, and some medications. Commonly treated areas are the face, back, neck, legs, bikini line, chest, intimate areas, and underarms. Any skin area can be treated except eyelids.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment Areas
- Small Area: Between Eyebrows, Sideburns, Upper Lip, Chin, Fingers, Toes
- Medium Area: Underarms, Abdomen, Neck (Front or Back), Forehead, Areola, Hands, Feet, Bikini
- Large Area: Face, Arms (Upper or Lower), Legs (Upper or Lower), Chest, Shoulders, Flanks, Brazilian
- Extra Large Area: Arms and Hands, Full Arms, Full Legs, Back and Shoulder, Full Back, Chest and Abdomen, Face and Neck,
Laser stands for Light Amplification through the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser hair removal machine works by the destruction of the hair follicles thereby disabling hair production for a variable duration of time. The laser emits a beam of energy that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The energy fired by the laser is converted to heat, which damages the hair and inhibits or delays future hair growth and the capacity to re-grow. In 6 sessions, it drastically reduces hair growth, thus resulting is permanently smooth, soft skin.
According to most skin specialists, you will need 4-6 laser therapy sessions with 6 being ideal and this is why Saint Aesthetix provides 6-treatment session packages. Follow-up treatments are necessary to get the most out of laser hair removal, however. The exact number of maintenance laser treatments varies by individual. Moreover, it is necessary to have 4-6 weeks interval in between treatments depending on the area to be treated.
We’re thinking that by this time, you should know that Saint Aesthetix do NOT and will NEVER discriminate! From our name, branding, to our treatments, we are all for gender inclusivity. So, to answer this question, NO. All genders can get these procedures done.
You will likely see the results immediately after treatment. However, just like everywhere, the results vary from individual to individual as well as on the skin color, hair color, density, thickness of your hair, and the area treated. You can expect a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after the first treatment. For complete hair removal and best results, you will need to go for 6 treatment sessions. After which, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months or even years. When the hair regrows, there tends to be finer and lighter in color.

IV Infusion and Drips
Uncover a new glow to your skin with our laser treatments. This Hollywood-approved therapy promises unremarkable skin rejuvenation that is safe, effective, and surprisingly affordable. Can’t wait to get our glow on with this!
What is a Carbon Facial?
This carbon laser facial, sometimes referred to as a “Hollywood Facial” or a “China Doll” procedure, enhances the appearance of the skin while minimizing scars, flaws, fine lines, and wrinkles.
It’s an excellent anti-aging treatment for the face, neck, chest, back, and hands.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Although anyone can benefit from this treatment, Carbon Laser Facial is best for people who have enlarged pores, acne, and oily skin.
It’s also a good option for those who have photoaging and minor wrinkles.
What Should I Expect After the Treatment?
After a laser carbon peel, there shouldn’t be any side effects other than a small skin reddening and tingling sensation.
It’s crucial to have a qualified specialist, such as our nurse aesthetician with experience do this treatment.
This will help to ensure the protection of your skin and eyes while also delivering the best results.
Any Downtime? When Can I See the Results?
Laser carbon peels have no downtime and are painless.
However, your treatment won’t provide results immediately but you’ll see the outcome after a week or so.
How Long Will my Results Last?
The results of a carbon laser peel facial may linger for up to three weeks.
It’s best to commit to a series of treatments because each builds upon the one before the treatment. It’s essential to give the skin enough time to generate an ample amount of collagen before having another session, which usually happens after 2-3 weeks.
What Should I do After the Treatment?
Mild aftercare helps in achieving optimal results, such as wearing sunscreen with at least an SPF 50 or higher and staying out of hot tubs, saunas, and pools for 24 hours.
There’s no downtime for this treatment but it’s advised to wear light makeup a few hours after the procedure.
What is Regrets Removal Tattoo Removal?
As the name suggests, this treatment is done to remove tattoos that you no longer want.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Regrets for laser for tat removal is ideal for anyone who regrets the tattoo design they got or simply changed their mind. It’s also a good option if the ink:
become less meaningful or has no longer meaningful at all is starting to fade
from a painful relationship breakup preventing you from getting hired.
How Painful is Tattoo Removal?
The degree of pain or discomfort may vary depending on the tattoo removal method you use.
Others compare the sensation of removal to that of a rubber band being snapped against their skin, while some say it is the same as having a tattoo.
After the operation, your skin might still be painful.
Any Downtime? When Can I See the Results?
There’s no significant downtime is required for laser tattoo removal.
The downtime after each treatment is normally less than five days, and there might some slight swelling and redness.
If you lead a hectic life and can’t take much time off owing to work or family commitments, this is good news.
How Long Will my Results Last?
You might need a series of tattoo removal, depending on the size, location, age, or color of the tattoo. The great news, however, is that the results are permanent.
How Long Does it Take to Heal From Tattoo Removal?
As the flaking skin breaks from the skin, your skin may probably seem pale or pink. It typically takes six to eight weeks for a full recovery.
What is Erbium Facial?
Say goodbye to crepey skin for skin resurfacing and acne scars with fractional erbium facial. This go-to treatment promises nothing but incredible results, such as refreshed skin and a boost in confidence!
Who is a Good Candidate?
If you’re seeking skin rejuvenation, sun spots removal, have a darker skin tone, or want to correct wrinkles and fine lines in the face, chest, hands, or back, this is an excellent treatment for you!
What Can I Expect During the Treatment?
The removal of the skin’s outermost layers during the procedure might be uncomfortable. It’s almost similar to snapping a rubber band against the skin; however, this still depends on your pain tolerance and the depth and area of the treatment.
Any Downtime? When Can I See the Results?
In less than a week, most patients recover completely and resume their regular activities. The laser treatment is gentle, safe, and effective for treating both very pale and darker skin tones.
Skin begins to improve over a few weeks, with the appearance of healthy new skin starting within 5-7 days.
How Long Will my Results Last?
One laser cannot address all skin concerns and all patients, so various laser treatments might be used for various skin flaws and skin types.
So, just like other skin treatments, each result may vary per patient. However, the results usually last for two to three years.
What Should I Do After the Treatment?
Don’t apply anything to the treated area for 6 to 8 hours, and keep it dry as possible. That means no sunblock, soap, makeup, ice, or lotion for at least 6-8 hours after the treatment.
What is IPL Photofacial?
The color and texture of your skin can be improved without surgery with intense pulsed light (IPL), often known as a photo facial.
It can reverse some of the visual aging brought on by exposure to the sun on the face, neck, hands, or chest.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Anyone with rosacea, age spots, sun damage, or dark spots on their skin can benefit from an IPL photo facial.
Additionally, it contains warning signs for wide pores, a red complexion, acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles.
Patients who have a light to medium complexion and little sun damage typically respond to IPL the best.
What Can I Expect During the Treatment?
Like other laser treatments, you might feel slight discomfort, which is similar to the snap of a rubber band. You can use a numbing cream to reduce the discomfort.
Any Downtime? When Can I See the Results?
Individual recovery times following an IPL photo facial vary, however, most patients can anticipate redness for two to five days following treatment.
Bruising that lasts up to two weeks may happen during more intensive treatments.
The early effects of an IPL procedure can be seen after just one week, and the complete effects can be seen four to six weeks after the therapy.
How Long Will my Results Last?
In general, results might last for about a year, but you can have maintenance treatments to keep the results you wanted.
What Should I Do After the Treatment?
An aftercare regimen can help enhance the results of your skin after an IPL Photo Facial.
Some of these include cleansing your skin two times a day with warm water, applying sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 and a gentle moisturizer, and performing a microdermabrasion facial on the treated areas.