woman having led therapy

What Does Celluma Light Therapy Do?

So, what does Celluma light therapy do? More than just a light, the advantages of LED red light treatment have an impact on many health conditions, such as getting rid…
smiling woman holding phone while having iv therapy

IV Hydration And IV Vitamin Therapy

IV therapy is nothing new in the series like Grey's Anatomy, House, or ER fans know. IVs are a standard in the medical industry and are used to deliver blood,…
beautiful white woman holding face

How Do You Know If You Need An IV

IV drip therapy is a popular treatment option offered at med spas for various reasons such as boosting immunity, replenishing nutrients, and rehydrating the body. But how do you know…

Welcome to Saint Aesthetix Med Spa!

Saint Aesthetix is a boutique medical that specializes in aesthetics and wellness treatments. We offer an array of services that revolve around "making our clients look good and feel good, for one leads to the other."