5 Ways To Get Healthy And Glowing Skin During Cold Season

Cold season is one of the worst seasons for our complexions. Therefore, winning the battle over dry, dull, lifeless skin and restoring healthy and glowing skin should be high on your list of priorities.

What is the best way to keep your skin healthy and glowing when it’s cold? Keeping your skin hydrated, healthy, and supple in the cold season might be difficult, but don’t worry! Our skin guide will provide the best guidance on combating the cold season skin blues and getting your glow back.

How To  Get Healthy And Glowing Skin During Cold Season?

Below are the five best ways to get healthy and glowing skin:

1. Apply Moisturizer On Your Skin

Cold-weather skincare relies on a decent moisturizer to replace lipids and hydrate the skin. A proper moisturizer can soothe and brighten your skin while increasing its moisture content.

People with dry skin can be moisturized with a thick ointment. Creams work best for regular skin. Oily skin needs milder moisturizers. Look for moisturizers with anti-pollution components like vitamin E.

After showering, apply a moisturizer several times a day. Also, note that your lips are always cold, therefore, use lip balms containing moisturizing chemicals to treat cracked lips in the cold season.

women putting a moisturizer on their face

2. Keep Hydrated

To prevent dry skin, you must moisturize and hydrate your body. Remember, you’re 60% water, as well, as every system in your body needs it, so drink and eat lots of water every day. Staying hydrated reduces wrinkles and flushes toxins. Adequate fluid intake should be 2.7 liters or 6-8 cups. To have bright winter skin, drink water throughout the day, so your body absorbs it.

3. Use A Humidifier

A good humidifier will keep your home and skin hydrated this season. Run a humidifier in your bedroom and other frequently used rooms to add moisture to dry winter air and moisturize your skin.

Evaporators release humidity from a moist filter. Steam vaporizers heat and chill water before releasing it into your space. Ultrasonic humidifiers vibrate a metal diaphragm. A fan blows water droplets from this. 

Turning up the thermostat is easy when it’s cold outside, but doing so can make your home’s air even drier. To moisturize skin, put your thermostat between 20°C and 22°C.

4. Take Quick, Hot Showers

Nothing beats a hot bath or shower on cold winter mornings, even if it dries your skin. Hot water removes the skin’s natural oils if it isn’t hydrated, leaving it dry and flaky. Lower the water temperature and take shorter showers. Most dermatologists recommend showering at 37°C to 38.5°C.

5. Keep Moving To Increase Your Natural Radiance

Sitting beneath a warm blanket all day is attractive on the coldest day, but spending more time outdoors in summer helps us look and feel better. Keeping active in the cold will increase your body temperature, circulation, and heart rate. 

To stay radiant, walk, run, or cycle 30 minutes three to four times a week during daylight hours. After exercise, the brain releases serotonin and dopamine, which reduce anxiety and improve well-being. You may also visit Saint Aesthetix for expert advice on skincare and med spa.


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