5 Tips For Healthier Winter Skin

Whether you prefer wintertime outdoor activities or use these months to hibernate, the bitter cold is coming and will hurt our winter skin.
Negative temperatures can cause our skin to become irritated, itchy, and red if it is not properly cared for.

Change your skincare regimen right away to give your winter skin a good start.

At a med spa, clients can receive customized and comprehensive winter skincare treatments that address specific concerns related to the harsh winter climate, ensuring that their skin remains healthy, nourished, and protected throughout the season.

Read our blog to learn about helpful tips for healthy skin in this brisk weather.

Use a Humidifier To Increase Moisture
To keep your skin hydrated, a top-notch humidifier will supply much-needed moisture to the air. Run a humidifier in the room where you spend the majority of your time, such as your bedroom or home office, if you’re still working from home. Your skin will continue to look and feel younger and healthier thanks to the increased air moisture.

Keep Your Lips Safe
The effects of the cold on our body also extend to our lips. Apply a thick layer of lip balm with sunscreen built in to protect your lips. A lip balm should not contain alcohol as its initial ingredient because alcohol is a drying agent and will hasten the dehydration of your lips. Shea, aloe, and cocoa butter are the main ingredients found in most lip balms, which soothe and hydrate the lips.

Nourish Within
We become more dehydrated throughout the winter as we spend more time inside with the heat on. Keep in mind that caring for our skin begins on the inside. To cure your skin from the inside out, be sure to drink lots of water and include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, such as fish and flaxseed oil.

woman applying sunscreen shape of sun on hands for healthy winter skin

Put On Sunscreen
Regular use of sunscreen is essential to reduce your risk of exposure because the snow can reflect up to 80% of the sun’s rays, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Applying sunscreen is just as vital in the winter as it is in the summer, whether you’re going ice fishing, snowmobiling, or snowshoeing through a park. And even on those gloomy, gloomy days, UV rays can get through the clouds. All exposed body parts should be covered with broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

Quick Showers
When the weather drops, it may be tempting to take a long, hot shower, but doing so might dry up your skin. The American Academy of Dermatology advises taking a five to ten-minute, lukewarm shower rather than washing your hands with hot water. Cooler water is far less irritating to the skin and just as efficient against germs as hot water.

Change Skincare Routine
Change your regular face wash for a milder, cream-based cleanser, and use toners and astringents sparingly. It’s crucial to utilize products that support the retention of your natural oils because those that contain alcohol and scents can exacerbate irritation and dryness. To fight the dry weather your skin has endured all day, try substituting a heavy night cream for your regular face lotion. Ask your skincare expert for recommendations if you are not familiar with the range of products.
